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Information Design


Information Design 

Information Design is not just a way to communicate an idea, it is a proven analytical approach to map out social, digital, technical and physical landscapes. 



Design Context1990- 2016 

This timeline marks key historical milestones that influenced our current design context. It looks at scientific discoveries, socio-political events and trends that took us from the Petrochemical Revolution into the Age of Big Data. Through understanding our past, it is possible to see our technological future.


User Experience Journey

This User Experience Journey Map of an immersive-narrative platform. 




Augmented, Autonomous, Social Everything

This sankey diagram catalogues products (indicators) into the meta-trends: augmented, autonomous and social. (2016)




OCAD University Money Matters Report

While working at OCAD's Student Union, I created and directed this research project looking into the financial state of students. Through social media, we reached hundreds of students -- more than 10% of the student body -- and got a good view of their financial needs. Check out a summary of the Money Matters Report.


Bjork Tour History

Bjork is arguably one of the most innovative experimental artists of all time. For the release of Utopia, I mapped out all of her tour destinations throughout her career. The data reveals how she began to break out of Europe onto a global stage while progressively doing fewer shows at bigger venues. Information is beautiful.